If youre looking for a training program to run marathon, there are a lot of free sources for calendars that lay out how many miles you need to run, when, over a 16-20 week schedule. Try Runners World website. I thought this would be a more customizable version of that. But all it is, basically, is a calendaring function laid on top of a lousy UI that uses GPS to track your runs. RunKeeper, ISmoothRun are all much better apps. And the marathon calendaring function basically just asks for the date of the marathon and then plugs in mileage for dates 20 weeks prior. What if you need to prepare in 16 weeks? What if youve got a half marathon in the middle. This is, from what I can tell, just a vehicle for in-app subscription services for garbage. Just stay away. ISmoothRun has far more features and your own calendar can give you the rest